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General terms and conditions of the Mehlstaub Forstbetriebe GmbH

1. Validity

1.1.These General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply to the sale and delivery of goods by us. By ordering goods or registering as a customer, you acknowledge these GTC and agree to them.

1.2.The general terms and conditions can be changed by us at any time and apply in the version at the time of the order.

2. Prices and shipping costs

2.1 All prices listed in the online shop are gross prices (including statutory VAT) ex warehouse without any deductions and do not include any expenses incurred as a result of shipping/delivery. The shipping costs/delivery fees are to be paid separately and additionally.

2.2. The delivered cubic meters (= rm) are measured from the pile of wood (1m log) and cut to the desired length. Depending on the delivery length (0.25m 0.33m 0.50m), shortening the logs results in m3 reductions of up to 25% in the final stack of wood. The reduction does not result in a price reduction.

2.3.The prices quoted are always non-binding, typographical errors and mistakes or technical errors reserved.

3. Conclusion of contract

3.1. Placing an order in our online shop, by e-mail, by telephone or by fax merely represents an offer to us to conclude a purchase contract. The contract comes into effect when the order is accepted, namely by sending an order confirmation or directly by sending the ordered goods.

4. Terms of payment and retention of title

4.1 Unless otherwise agreed, the purchase price is due upon receipt of the invoice.

4.2.The goods remain our property until the purchase price including shipping costs has been paid in full.

5. Terms of Delivery

5.1. The stated delivery times are estimated delivery times. We are not liable for adhering to the specified delivery time. Orders are accepted subject to availability. The availability of the specified goods refers to household quantities. For order quantities that

exceed the stock level, significantly longer delivery times may occur.

5.2. We reserve the right to deliver or to invoice smaller quantities. We will inform the buyer immediately about delays in delivery or shortages of goods. Claims for damages are excluded in the case of insufficiently stocked goods or delays in delivery.

5.3.Your means of transport is loaded and unloaded at your own risk.

5.4.Since delivery is usually not possible if an incomplete delivery address is provided, it is urgently necessary that all information on the delivery address is correct and complete (zip code, city, street, street number, stairs, door). Otherwise there may be delays in delivery and returns. Die daraus eventuell resultierenden Mehrkosten müssen wir – bei entsprechender Fahrlässigkeit auf Kundenseite – zusätzlich in Rechnung stellen .

6. Right of Withdrawal/Revocation

6.1. As a consumer, you have the right to withdraw from this contract within fourteen days without giving a reason. The cancellation period is fourteen days from the day on which you or a third party named by you who is not the carrier took possession of the goods.

6.2. In order to exercise your right of withdrawal, you must inform us: Mehlstaub Forstbetriebe GmbH, Hosnedlgasse 35, A-1220 Vienna, Tel: 01/4064362, email: mehlstaub- forstbetriebe@gmx.at_cc781905-5cde -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_by means of a clear statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or e-mail) of your decision to withdraw from this contract. To meet the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient for you to send the communication regarding your exercise of the right of cancellation before the cancellation period has expired.

6.3.Consequences of cancellation: If you cancel this contract, we have to refund all payments that we have received from you, including delivery costs, immediately and at the latest within fourteen days from the day on which we delivered the goods undamaged and properly packaged got. For this, the goods must be returned to the address agreed with us. The costs for the return are borne by the buyer.

7. Damages, liability and data protection

7.1. The buyer agrees that data that he has disclosed when registering or placing an order may be electronically stored and processed. The data is used to comply with legal regulations, for payment transactions and for customer care.

7.2.We will not pass on the buyer's data to third parties unless this is expressly required by statutory regulations. This consent to the electronic processing of the data can be revoked at any time. The buyer is entitled to obtain the disclosure of all personal data stored about him by us free of charge.

8. General

  1. 8.1.  If individual provisions of these general terms and conditions are invalid, this does not result in the invalidity of the rest of the contract. The remaining content of the contract remains unchanged.

  2. 8.2.  Austrian law applies to the exclusion of the UN Sales Convention.

  3. 8.3.  The place of fulfillment is the registered office of our company.

  4. 8.4.  Jurisdiction for all disputes arising from the contractual relationship or future contracts between us and the entrepreneurial customer is the local court responsible for our registered office. The place of jurisdiction for consumers, if they are domiciled in Germany, is the court in whose district the consumer has his habitual residence or place of employment.

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